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Endometriosis Specialist

Old Farm Gynecology

Gynecologist & Advanced Laparoscopic Surgeon located in Salt Lake City, UT

Old Farm Gynecology is a top provider of safe, effective treatments for endometriosis and the painful symptoms it can cause. The physicians work closely with patients from throughout the Salt Lake City, UT, region to develop custom solutions to reduce pain and address infertility issues for the best possible outcomes for every woman.

Endometriosis Q&A

What is endometriosis?

Endometriosis occurs when uterine lining tissue grows in areas outside the uterus, including the ovaries, the outer uterine wall, the fallopian tubes or even the intestines. In some very rare cases, the tissue may even grow in an area outside the abdominal area. Endometrial growths are also called implants, and they are very small or quite large, fluctuating with natural hormonal cycles and causing an array of symptoms. Endometriosis occurs during childbearing years, with growths usually shrinking or subsiding during menopause. However, some women can continue to experience symptoms even after they have entered menopause and periods have ended.

What are the symptoms of endometriosis?

Endometriosis is associated with pelvic pain and pressure in many women, including severe cramping during periods. Low back pain prior to and during periods is also common. Other symptoms can include pain during intercourse, abnormal vaginal bleeding, pain during bowel movements and vaginal bleeding after sexual intercourse. Endometriosis can also interfere with a woman's ability to become pregnant. Some women with endometriosis have very few symptoms and may not realize they have the condition until they experience problems when trying to become pregnant.

How is endometriosis diagnosed?

Endometriosis is diagnosed with a physical examination including a pelvic exam and Pap test, as well as minimally-invasive procedures and diagnostic imaging as needed.

How is endometriosis treated?

There is no cure for endometriosis, but there are treatments to help address issues like pain, abnormal menstrual bleeding, and infertility. Treatment options include hormone therapy to help balance hormone levels and shrink implants or control abnormal menstrual bleeding, pain medication to relieve the painful cramping associated with endometriosis, surgery to remove the implants and treatments to improve fertility. Some women may benefit from a combination of treatments, and re-treatment may be necessary if implants return or if they continue to cause symptoms.